
Best practices

Post date

March 28, 2019


Non-profit, Street

Objective Campaign

Ben Weyts, “Vlaams minister van Dierenwelzijn” launched with a press conference the campaign ‘Adopt an animal’. With this event the new website ‘www.adopteereendier.be’ was promoted. This site shows an overview of all animals waiting in 120 asylums for a warm home. 

It also gives background information of the animals people would like to adopt. The campaign had a humorous flavour with images showing animals and their ‘personality’.

Media Characteristics

Several busses around Flanders carried the campaign with Window stickers on the inside and Super Side 10m2 billboards on the outside.

Reason best Practice

Beautiful and inspiring awareness case demonstrating the high impact of strong campaign images placed on the Super Side 10m2 formats.



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