Disney Avatar

Best practices

Post date

March 29, 2022


Billboards, Entertainment, Out Of the Box, Point Of Sale, Street

Objective Campaign

Movie Launch of the second opus of the Avatar Saga

Media Characteristics

-An ice rink has been transformed to immerse us in the atmosphere of Pandora.
-XXL poster of more than 200m² on the façade of the shopping.
-A workshop of grimage for children is installed.
-DOOH campaigns with the movie poster on JCDecaux screens and big Led screens.
-Escalators and elevator wrapped with  stickers in the colors of the movie.

Reason best Practice

The out-of-home medium allows for a multitude of possibilities as this campaign demonstrates.
OOH is not only “classical” communication on standardized networks, but it is also possible to create extra communication channels for a specific occasion in order to immerge people in a real alternative universe.
The place is also well chosen because of the direct proximity of a cinema complex.

Docks Bruxsel is much more than just a shopping center; it is a tourist destination. A true experiential space that links shopping, restaurants, cinema (White Cinema) and Koezio. For the release of Avatar: “The Way of Water”, Disney went all out: Several creative actions have been put in place to immerse visitors in the world of Avatar.

– The ice rink, which delights young and old, has been transformed to immerse us in the atmosphere of Pandora.

-The façade of the Docks Bruxsel is dressed in an XXL poster of more than 200m².
-A workshop of grimage for the children is installed.
-DOOH campaigns with the movie poster on JCDecaux screens and big screens.
-The escalators and the elevator are also decorated with the sticker’s colors of the film.

The out-of-home medium allows for a multitude of possibilities as this campaign demonstrates. This launch is the result of a collaboration between Disney, Outsight, Publicis and JCDecaux Innovate and was visible until 7 January 2023


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