German National Tourist Board

Best practices

Post date

October 19, 2023


Corporate, Out Of the Box, Point of Interest, Services

Objective Campaign

The objective of the campaign was to encourage more sustainable and environmentally friendly travel and tourism. Therefore, Urban Media helped create a campaign called ‘Stay just a little longer…’

Media Characteristics

Urban Media wrapped the elevator walls and set up a stand with hostesses and promo boys in Antwerp Central station to promote this cause. Afterwards the campaign moved to Liège-Guillemins Station.
The campaign invites travelers to download the travel guide with 10 unique and sustainable travel stories to learn how to travel more climate and environmentally friendly in Germany.

Reason best Practice

The campaign managed to inspire 5.000 people to download the travel guide with sustainable travel stories. This not only educated these people on how to travel more climate and environmentally friendly in Germany but also resulted in 5.000 trees being planted in Cunewalde, Saksen.



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