Best-of-OOH shares inspiration & knowledge about the best use of OOH media by showing the best campaigns in Belgium. The partners of the Best of OOH platform select the best campaigns they realized on the Belgian market to be submitted to the evaluation of a multidisciplinary expert jury.
The partners of the Be-Inspired platform submit their most exemplary campaigns of the last months to the evaluation of the jury.
Selection criteria: what makes a campaign an inspiring best practices’ case?
‘Innovation’: campaigns making smart use of new technologies, new insights based on research or just simply a new kind of using billboards making it possible to achieve in a different way the communication objectives of the advertiser
‘Efficiency’: campaigns that put into practice all resources and assets of OOH in such a way that campaign efficiency can be proven by means of measurement of relevant KPI’s of the advertiser (sales uplift, activation or other forms of ROI data)
‘Audacity’: campaigns that show a surprising, bold or daring way of using OOH (‘out of the box’)
Results of research (audience measurement for instance) or impact barometers if available can offer additional arguments to prove a campaign’s excellent use of OOH.
In order to evaluate the wide range of OOH campaigns that all use different kinds of touchpoints in different environments, the jury compares the cases within specific categories.
Of course, excellent campaigns often use a combination of different kinds of touchpoints. Those cases are published with all the relevant tags.
A Be-Inspired expert-jury with media specialists (advertisers, media strategists, outdoor specialists) meet and evaluate all received cases to ensure a quality control about the cases that eventually will be published on the platform.
The juries of Best of OOH are presided by advertisers: